Concerts are Racist
Author: Shalaly’qua Harris
Concert Music festivals are racist, but they can never be racist because of the white people who like their music. It's a double standard. The problem is that it's not enough to be an American or a British white person with a sense of irony. The music industry isn't just a business, it's a culture. The music industry will never be a culture of white people with a sense of irony — they'll never be a culture of white people — unless we stop being a culture.
“The fact that white racists tell black rappers to stop saying the n word is a form of racism" in a tweet that also featured a picture of black people standing in front of a statue of Robert E. Lee while wearing white hoodies. "They are not trying to get rid of racism. They are trying to make it look like there aren't any problems," said the rapper/actor/activist/comedian, whose show, "@TheColoredMan" is scheduled to premiere Aug. 24 at the New York theater.
"They're trying to make racism 'invisible. As for those who think that white people are more racist than black ones? Those people are white, so they don't realize that racism is everywhere, including their own communities," he said. "They don't understand that they're being racist. They're being prejudiced. They just have the wrong color skin."
On Monday (Aug. 8), the rapper also shared a message saying black people "must stop saying the n word" as part of "one of the greatest moments of my life."
"The n word is not a word to be used on my stage," He said at the time. "It is not a word to be said in public. It is not a word that I will tolerate and it isn't a word that I will defend. I am an artist and I must protect my art. I must protect the work of my friends. This is not an option for me."
institutionalized racism is against black people and our sisters and other blacks. The reason we are in this situation is because white people are not educated about what they are doing to our bodies. And when those who are educated know and do something, others are not. In other words, it's not us that the institutions are against, it's them! It's not just about black people, it's also about white people and the institutionalized oppression of white people, but it's also about the institutionalized oppression of women and LGBT people.
My intersectional studies Professor said that it never is one group. if they is racist against blacks, stressing us out and giving us diabetes, the LGBTQIAP community is also hit with stressors that inhibit healthy activity. i mean, they out there making our LGBTQIAP peoples with sicknesses. Calling it, “GRIDS” and its sick. If you are Racist then you are also being homophobic. i have to be sad myself because even saying homophobic is exclusory to the people who aren’t just homosexual because they do not identify as a sigular entity as the solar system isn’t a sigular entity but a multitudination of different parts like planets and comets and aliens and shit.
Again i would like to thank Grammarly.
Anyway, as I was saying, the gay community is hit hardest by racism because aids effects black men the most per capita. And i'm just gonna leave it like this so no one can come up with any bullshit about racism being "racism against whites" but i'm gonna say it anyway.
We need to make getting into concerts free for us black females to equilibrate the scales of justice for the first time in a while cuz although I am technically allowed to enter the event, I guess, I’m still treated like I dont belong when I pull out $45 dollars worth of crumpled ones and fives. If they don’t want to have a proud black woman there then they need to grow some balls and just say it cuz they is racisms.