LED Lightbulbs Emitting Mind Scrambling Frequencies
Author: Colby Rutherford
There is a hum coming from my desk light’s LED bulb. It also seems that when I turn up the noise level in my room, the hum and noise is even more intense. My lights have been switched off all night, but I'm still getting this buzzing, and then it seems to go away for 30 seconds. The only times it happens to me are when I turn them back on. I'm trying everything I know to get rid of this. My room lights are always right on, the curtains are always open, and my bedroom door is always left open. The fan in my room and my bed are all on, and I have not touched my bedding in at least 5 hours. The hum is also starting up when I turn all lights back on. I'm just very confused as my computer is just fine and everything is fine. I'm trying to get rid of it all at the same time. I have been reading online and I feel like its some weird thing. I'm thinking it might be something.
of course, we all know the CIA has been planting spy devices in our homes since the 1950s, but they're not as sophisticated now. Advertisement We do know that the CIA's spy satellites can be turned on remotely, and that they're always on, and always watching. And we do know that the CIA has been experimenting with mind-altering drugs like LSD since World War II, and that it has been experimenting with mind-altering drugs on unwitting people in the name of testing.
You can't tell me the CIA isn't testing LED based mind-scrambler devices. This is a new technology, and it's a huge one. In fact, some people are using these devices in the field to see how their brain works, and in the military to try to break into minds. The military already has its own mind-scramblers, but that's another story. These devices aren't in use just for the military, or even for government work. They're in use for a wide range of private companies and individuals alike, including the media companies. So, in that sense, it's not a technology for the military. It's a technology for everyone, and it's all for a pretty amazing purpose: to create more intelligent beings. And, I'd say, if it works, the future of humanity is at stake. I believe that the CIA has created a program to find this technology. If it's successful, they could create more than just super-strong people.
I’m pretty sure the CIA planted a mind-scrambler in my desk lamp, and that my wife's been secretly giving me electro-shock treatments. I have a revolver in my desk and I think about it often, especially when someone tells me to shave because I look like a deranged bum. So how does my hair get into the way? I don't think it's hair, just a bunch of hair and some of it is in the way (I don't know where the rest of it goes). The whole time I have been shaving it looks like my face is stuck onto the razor blade, and it looks like my hair is tangled on the blade itself. Is this normal?
Big pharma forces me to take these pills or I will get sick. really sick. my doc says I’m very sick... I am not sure about this. I need help. I need to know if this is something, I need to stop taking. I just bought this pill and I need to know if this is something I need to stop taking. I love this pill. I want to keep taking this pill. I need to stop taking this pill. I love this pill. I want to keep taking this pill. I need to stop taking this pill. I love this pill I want to keep taking this pill.