Wednesday is Racist
Author: Shalaly’qua Harris
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Wednesday is racist. Yeah, I said it. It needed to be said. I came across this egregiosity of an institutionalised racist term the other day talking to a steamed colleague of mine. She Agreed. I was like, “yo, why is it that the other days of the week spelled like they sound but wednesday be all WED-NES-DAY.”
she said, “they add the extra D to make fun of people who had the unfortunosity of having a poor school system. they know that it instantly identifies us as having melatonins in our skin. its like how comb is spelled with a b. who the fug be sayin ‘combuh’? like its Kuh-OHM.”
so I says to her, “Yeah, Sun Day. Sunday. Makes sense. Mon day. makes sense. Tuesday.. weird, but makes sense.. Thursday, Friday… saturday. but WED-NUHS-DAY?”
I had to dig deep into this. My Intersectional History professor at Stanford, (yeah, THAT ONE. what you think a proud black woman cant get into Stanford?) said that usually when you find a microaggression, there are macroaggressions underneath of them. i did a quick google search and found that wednesday came from the Ugandan ritual of Z’abimkuta that significated to the priestly class that the week was starting. They would do their ceremonial dance shouting ‘Wennis’.
I can’t believe (I can actually) that they would not only culturally appropriation such a sacred ritual that I just learned about but then put it in the middle of the week, THE WORST DAY of the week, because you are tired from the first two but gotta deal with to more days of an editor going, “Ms. Harris, I appreciate your work. I would like to talk to you about the excessive use of the F word in your drafts.” Like, Ugh, whatever week long christmas havin’ white boy.
Anyway. I’m just sittin’ here like “WENNIS DAY OVER, I’m OUTTY!”
To fight back against the system, use Wennisday to recognize its holy roots. Much Power, my sisters.
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